Global resources : Conflict and cooperation / Roland Dannreuther and Wojciech Ostrowski. Palgrave McMillan, 2013, 296 p. £60
Description (© Palgrave) :
Oil, gas and minerals are vital natural resources which meet crucial human needs. Modern civilisation would struggle to survive without readily available access to these resources at reasonable and affordable prices. This volume provides critical insights into the dynamic processes of conflict and cooperation in relation to oil, gas and minerals, recognising that there is no easy and clear separation between areas of cooperation and of conflict and that these relations co-exist in complex and continually evolving ways. The contributors argue that the nature of conflict and cooperation is increasingly being shaped by the shift towards state capitalism in many parts of the resource-producing world.
Contents :
- Introduction: The Dynamics of Conflict and Cooperation / Roland Dannreuther
- Part I: Historical legacies
1. History of the International Oil Industry / Paul Stevens
2. Minerals: Industry History and Fault Lines of Conflict / David Humphreys
3. History of the Gas Industry / Chris Cragg
- Part II: Theoretical frameworks
4. Geopolitics and International Relations of Resources / Roland Dannreuther
5. Political Economy of Global Resources / Wojciech Ostrowksi
- Part III: Companies, contracts and communities
6. Corporations vs. States in the Shaping of Global Oil Regimes / Giacomo Luciani
7. Communities: A Case Study of Oil Sands in Nigeria / Murtala Chindo and Michael Bradshaw
8. Sector Legal Frameworks and Resource Property Rights / Evelyn Dietsche
- Part IV: Scarcity, technology and future supply
9. Peak Oil: Myth or Impending Doom? / Patrick Criqui
10. Peak Gas: Technology and Environmental Consequences / Ariel Bergmann
11. Mineral Depletion and Peak Production / Magnus Ericsson and Patrik Söderholm
- Conclusion: Reconceptualising the Dynamics of Conflict and Cooperation / Wojciech Ostrowski